First News International
F1® in Schools partners with First News
First News International is a weekly, digital newspaper created for children aged 7 to 14. Published every Friday across 52 issues in the year, the newspaper is bursting with stories from around the world, engaging young minds with the world’s biggest news, including science, technology, interviews, debate topics, special reports, sports and much more. Published by First News, the experts in news and news-based resources, First News International grows your pupils’ global awareness, while developing core literacy skills.
There has never been a more important time for young people to feel informed, reassured, and aware of the positive news that happens around the globe. Research shows that 86% of children want to know what is happening in the world but are unsure of where to find this information*. It is our goal to equip children with an enriched knowledge of the world and the fundamental skills they need to succeed throughout school and beyond.